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Comité d'Action, Femmes, Inclusion et Diversité

Mission of the Committee

Emanating from the Guilde des musiciens et musiciennes du Québec (GMMQ, AFM Local 406), the CAFID Standing Committee was founded in 2021 and is composed of both members of the administration and employees of the GMMQ. CAFID's mission is to promote the place of women, people from the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community, as well as people from cultural diversity and any other minority group within the Quebec music community. The goal is to promote the work of individuals who are underrepresented in the community, to promote their hiring and to deconstruct certain prejudices.

To do so, the committee could use several tools at its disposal: events, promotional campaigns, labour relations or educational activities, among others. The committee could also make suggestions to the GMMQ's management and board of directors on internal regulations that would be contrary to the promotion of equity. The committee has the support and assistance of the entire GMMQ administrative team, which will be able to advise it and implement its ideas.

We invite you to submit your ideas and comments via this idea box:


Committee Members

Committee members, pictured from left to right, then top to bottom:
Floriane Barny, Director of Communications, Line Deneault, administrator, Amélie Bissonnette-Théorêt, executive assistant, Geneviève Gauthier, Administrative Officer, Catherine Forget, 
Lawyer, Labour Relations Officer, Amina Myriam Tébini, member, and Annie Vanasse, Administrator Quebec.

Would you like to join our committee?

Please send your application to Floriane Barny, communications@gmmq.com.

2024 Agenda

  • Diversity Networking - Guest Cendrine Despax

CAFID is delighted to invite you to its first event of the year.

This 5@7 networking event will be held in a convivial atmosphere.

After a short presentation of upcoming CAFID events, you'll be invited to discuss the different realities facing musicians from diverse backgrounds.

When: Thursday, May 2, 2024, 6 pm to 8 pm

Free and open to members and non-members, with registration.

Register by writing to Floriane Barny, communications@gmmq.com

2023 Retrospective

  • Diversity training: How can I be an ally in my environment?

Are you interested in diversity? Do you often wonder how to bring about greater inclusion in your professional and personal environment?

We propose a short 2-hour training session to help you think together about concrete actions for and towards change. 

When: Wednesday, November 22, 2023, from 1 to 3 p.m.

This training is offered online, free of charge and exclusive to GMMQ members.

Reserve your place now at: ggauthier@gmmq.com.

  • Inspiring Parents Event

Summary: The CAFID committee of the Quebec Musicians' Guild invites you to its "Déjeuner Parent inspirants" event.

It will be dedicated to musicians who are parents and the challenges they face in combining their family life with their contracting schedule.

Three inspiring musicians will share their experiences, some easier than others, of bringing their child(ren) into the world. In the form of an open discussion, participating members will also be able to share their experiences or ask questions. Exchanges will take place over pastries and hot drinks.

A maximum of 40 participants will be accepted to respect room limitations.

Reservations required at ggauthier@gmmq.com

When: Tuesday, October 17 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: La Maisonnette des parents, Dorimène room
For: the parent musicians

  • 5@7 - Networking 

It is in a friendly atmosphere that we will welcome you to this 5@7 networking event. After a short presentation of the committee's 2023 events, we will invite you to discuss the different realities that musicians from minority groups must deal with.

The sharing of experiences will be the order of the day, in a setting exclusively reserved for members, in a spirit of benevolence and respect.

A free event open to all members.
Reservations are required at jpoirier@gmmq.com


Date: Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Location: Jean-Duceppe room, Union des artistes, 5445 avenue De Gaspé, suite 1005, Montreal (Quebec) H2T 3B2.

  • TRAINING - Inclusive Communication in Music 101

CAFID in partnership with DIG! is proud to offer its first training session on inclusive communication for GMMQ member and non-member artists as well as for people working in the music industry.

Summary: Inclusive communication is a must-have skill for anyone in the music industry who wants to better represent the diversity of the individuals who work in this field. However, adapting one's writing and speaking habits while maintaining clarity and conciseness is no less complex.

Do you want to understand the principles of inclusive communication in order to integrate them into your professional practices? This training is for you! At the end of this three-hour workshop, which combines a lecture with a participatory approach, you will be made aware of the issues related to inclusive communication that are specific to the Quebec music industry; you will deepen and put into practice your knowledge of inclusive communication processes, whether written or oral; and you will have better tools to adopt more inclusive communication in your respective professional environments.

The training will take place online and will be facilitated by Elsa Fortant, DIG! member, PhD student in musicology at the University of Montreal and cultural worker.


Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Location: Online
Open to all: maximum capacity of 30 people

  • 10$ for members
  • 25$ for non-members

For: musicians, managers, professionals in culture and any other interested person.


Member of the GMMQ? Your promo code is located in your member area.

2022 Retrospective

2022 Committee Godmother





We were pleased to have as godmother of the committee in 2022, Ms. Florence K, singer-songwriter, pianist and doctoral student in psychology at UQAM


  • Launching 5@7 at Pub Île Noire, Tuesday April 26, 2022, from 5pm to 7pm, in Montreal.

Official launch of CAFID taking place at Pub l'Île Noire on Tuesday April 26, 2022. We will have the pleasure of welcoming the committee's godmother, Ms. Florence K, singer-songwriter, pianist and candidate for a Master's degree in mental health at the Université de Montréal.

  • Webinar, by Florence K, on the generic theme, "Mental Health, Women and the Music Industry": Tuesday, May 10, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.

Florence K is a singer-songwriter, pianist and a candidate for the Master's degree in mental health at the Université de Montréal. She will talk about her experience in music as a woman and the difficulties she has encountered during her professional career. She will then expose her work on the generic theme "Mental health, women and the music sector".


  • Developed a set of statistics on women in music, including the proportion of female members at the GMMQ, in classical and popular music, as well as the dominant genres by musical instrument
  • Integration of non-binary gender into the GMMQ registration form

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