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Mapping the music scene in Quebec

On 2021 October 1st, the DIG! (Différences et inégalités de genre dans la musique au Québec), of which the GMMQ is a member, launched an inclusive mapping of the music sector in Quebec (in french).

By presenting in one place knowledge, resources and initiatives that will foster the development of a greater diversity of artists, DIG! hopes to take a first step towards overcoming the structural disparities and inequalities of this industry.

The five organizations under the DIG! banner are F*emmes en musique (F*EM), the Guilde des musiciens et musiciennes du Québec (GMMQ), Lotus Collective Mtl Coop, MTL Women in Music and Shesaid.so MTL. They were invited to meet by Vanessa Blais-Tremblay, Associate Professor in the Department of Music at UQAM, at the inaugural session of the DIG!

This map will be updated regularly. It represents the culmination of an extensive consultative process with key stakeholders in the field. For comments or to add resources to the map, contact: digmusiquequebec@gmail.com

design : SYCLONE