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Guilde des musiciens et des musiciennes du Québec
Montréal / 514.842.2866

Press release results elections 2024


June 3, 2024

Quebec Musicians' Guild welcomes new Board of Directors


Montreal - The unveiling of the new Board of Directors of the Quebec Musicians' Guild (GMMQ) took place on June 2.

Among the 13 elected members, the board includes several new faces, including 9 women.


GMMQ members, called to the polls at the nomination meeting held on April 16, elected a renewed Board, made up of musicians from all sectors of the industry: popular music, classical music, recording, stage and television.Voting members had to elect 9 directors, in addition to choosing a new national presidentand two vice-presidents, one for the Montreal region and one for the Quebec City region.

"These new faces reflect our community. Their diversity and youth will be an undeniable asset in meeting the challenges that lie ahead.

Luc Fortin, Past President


"It is with great honour and humility that I begin my duties as President of the Quebec Musicians' Guild. I would like to thank the members for their trust. I pledge to remain attentive to their needs and to maintain a constant presence. My mandate will be primarily devoted to finding solutions to the issues and difficulties experienced by the music community throughout the province. It is essential to recognize the immensetalent of our musicians and to put in place a structure and mechanisms that will enablethem to maintain a career in their field in a dignified and sustainable manner.

Vincent Séguin, president-elect


The GMMQ holds a full election of its Board of Directors every three years, as stipulated in its by-laws.

It is the third largest local chapter of the American Federation of Musicians, after New York and Los Angeles. It represents the collective interests of over 3,000 musicians in Quebec.


Composition of the new GMMQ Board of Directors:

GMMQ President :
Vincent Séguin

Vice-présidence Québec :
Annie Vanasse

Vice-présidence Montréal :
Maxime Lalanne
Secretary-treasurer :
Éric Lefebvre

Administration Quebec (in alphabetical order) :
Marie-France Mathieu
Claude Soucy

Administration Montreal (in alphabetical order) :
Marie-Josée Arpin
Emmanuelle Caplette
Line Deneault
Gabrielle Gélinas
Jean-François Langevin
Marie-Josée Simard
Daphnée Sincennes Richard


Sources :
Amélie Bissonnette-Théorêt
Executive Assistant
514.842.2866 ext. 236

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