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Guilde des musiciens et des musiciennes du Québec
Montréal / 514.842.2866

Members up for election to the 2024-2027 Board of Directors

Montreal - June 2, 2024. The nomination meeting for the GMMQ Board of Directors was held on April 16.

The GMMQ is pleased to announce the election of the following members:


GMMQ President :

Vincent Séguin


Vice-President Quebec :

Annie Vanasse


Vice-president Montreal :

Maxime Lalanne


Secretary-treasurer :

Éric Lefebvre, elected by acclamation


Administration Québec :

Marie-France Mathieu

Claude Soucy


Montreal Administration:

Emmanuelle Caplette

Daphnée Sincennes Richard

Marie-Josée Simard

Marie-Josée Arpin

Gabrielle Gélinas

Line Deneault

Jean-François Langevin


The election was conducted under the supervision of Simple Vote.

The GMMQ warmly congratulates its newly elected members, who will take office on June 17.

The GMMQ wholeheartedly thanks the outgoing members of the Board of Directors for their investment, solidarity and involvement, as well as all the candidates for their unwavering support for the union movement.

In solidarity,



Vincent Seguin

My name is Vincent Seguin, and I am a percussionist. I served on the GMMQ Board of Directors for over 10 years and was actively involved in various committees and collective bargaining agreement negotiations. I had the privilege of stepping in for the outgoing president at different events in the cultural industry, which enabled me to build strong relationships with the artistic community. I have always been committed not only to improving our working conditions, but especially to exposing harmful management practices towards musicians. I take the GMMQ’s mission very seriously, and would strive to deliver even more tangible, positive outcomes for its members. I would aim to tackle a number of issues, including—but not limited to—the following:

• Ensuring that state-subsidized producers comply with our collective bargaining agreements;

• Implementing an employment insurance plan for freelancers in the performance industry (social safety net for occasional workers);

• Advocating for artists to be represented on the boards of directors of state-owned cultural funding entities;

• Enhancing communication between GMMQ officials and members on the field;

• Improving working conditions for all.

Vincent Seguin: Linktree

Vice-President Quebec 

Annie Vanasse

Doublebassist, teacher, holder of an MBA and Director of the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski, I have been a member of the board of directors of the GMMQ since 2010. I am particularly involved in the Comité d’Action, Femmes, Inclusion et Diversité (CAFID[AR1] ).

I now wish to contribute my leadership within the executive.

My experience as a musician and freelancer in different symphony orchestras in large centers and regions ensures that I understand the reality on the ground.

As an experienced manager of a higher education institution, I am personally concerned about the future of emerging musicians and professional musicians.

I am convinced of the importance of adjusting the average annual salary of a musician to a suitable level in order to do justice to the talent and commitment of the artist.

Among other things, I am keen to defend the following:


Raise political decision-makers’ awareness of the need for increased support for musicians and their ecosystem,

Defend the increase to different funding programs,

Democratize, promote Guild contracts for better support among producers,

Rights, interests and conditions of musicians

Status of the artist, insurance, freelance status,

Inclusion, diversity and equity

GMMQ internal structure

Review the nomination process (election).

Vice-President Montreal

Maxime Lalanne

As a musician (drummer), musical director, arranger and composer, I work mainly in the pop music scene, performing live shows as well as in studio and on television.

I have been involved in the GMMQ negotiation and consultation committees since 2012 and I have been on the board as an administrator since 2015.

I am now proposing my candidacy for vice-president (Montreal) to get even more involved and to better serve and represent the members.

To listen to the specific needs and challenges of each and every one, so that the GMMQ can offer adequate and up to date services in accordance with the unique reality of all.

To promote the profession of musician in all its forms and increase recognition.

To improve our socio-economic conditions.

To accentuate political lobbying so that the musical community can be recognized and funded at its fair value.

To ensure that grants and funding reach the musicians in a fair manner.

To find sustainable and lasting solutions.

For us, musicians. Maxime

(do not hesitate to contact me for a complete musical CV)

Directors Montreal

Marie-Josée Arpin

My name is Marie-Josée Arpin, and I am a violinist very active in the performing arts community. I am a member of several symphony orchestras, including Trois-Rivières, Laval,Gatineau, Grand Ballets Canadien, FILMharmonic and freelance.

I believe I have an informed and precise perspective on the reality and difficulties that musicians experience in our workplace and the financial problems faced by Quebec symphony orchestras.

I am interested in ensuring our sustainability and improving our working conditions. It is also crucial for me to convince governments to support the arts community much more. It is about our survival. Culture is essential and must remain accessible to all.

If you vote for me, I promise to get involved with justice, honesty, perseverance and integrity.

Emmanuelle Caplette

Dear GMMQ Member,

I have been working in the music industry for over 20 years. I have traveled the roads of both the Americas and Europe, whether on stage or on television, accompanying various renowned artists or as a speaker/clinician. For the past four years, I have been the "House Drummer" on the show Belle et Bum.

I am delighted to announce my candidacy for the Board of Directors of the GMMQ for the upcoming election. My goal is to actively engage in advocating for the rights of musicians and to contribute more directly to the advancement of these matters. I want to express my gratitude for all your support and I look forward to working towards a more favorable environment for all our musicians.


Emmanuelle Caplette


Line Deneault

Mon parcours d’étude : Pierre-Laporte, DEC au Conservatoire, Bacc. à McGill et Maîtrise à l’UdM en interprétation du violon.

Mon travail : membre de l’orchestre des Grands Ballets, chef d’attaque à l’OSD et à la pige. Enseignante pour les concentrations musicales de Pierre-Laporte et de Poly-Jeunesse. Administratrice à la Guilde des musiciens.nes depuis 2018.

Je considère qu’il faut s’impliquer, se mobiliser, s’associer afin de donner des bras et des mains à nos paroles, à nos ambitions et à nos rêves. L’implication citoyenne peut prendre différentes formes, pour moi c’est la guilde qui me donne cette opportunité.

Sans réel pouvoir sinon de parler au nom des musiciens, la guilde se doit de refléter nos aspirations, de revendiquer et de faire front commun devant les instances politiques. Elle se doit aussi d’exercer une protection face aux menaces d’abus et d’exploitations. En m’associant à la guilde je revendique le droit à un travail décent, à des conditions favorables à l’expression artistique et à la protection d’une forme d’art rare et précieuse ; la musique.

Pourquoi voter pour moi ? Parce que c’est en tout ça que je crois.

Gabrielle Gélinas

As an active musician in the music industry for nearly 15 years, I know very well the reality of the new generation of musicians having difficulty making ends meet. In addition of being already proactive in contract negotiations on the field and raising awareness about the musicians’ rights, I want to be more involved within our association in order to help the evolution of projects allowing socio-economic and psychological improvements for musicians in the province. During this term on the board of directors, my goals are to :

 -Maximize negotiation tools for musicians (e.g.: clear price lists that are easily accessible)

-Promote a more standardized application of remuneration (recommendations of average remuneration according to contexts rather than only minimum standards)

-Take part in the development of projects supporting musicians’ mental health, family support and the place of women in the industry

Looking forward to improving the environment for all of our musicians!

Jean-Francois Langevin

Let me introduce myself, my name is Jean-François Langevin, I graduated from UQAM in 2006 in popular music performance, with an electric bass profile.

For nearly twenty years now, I have been actively working in the Quebec popular music scene, alongside numerous artists. I've been able to take on the role of musical director, musician, musical arranger, and songwriter. I've had the privilege of working on stage, on tour, and in the studio, as well as on several television shows. Achieving honest, equitable and respectful working conditions has always been at the forefront of my concerns.

More recently, I've been eager to get more involved with the GMMQ, notably by taking part in various meetings and participating in the ADISQUDA-GMMQ negotiating committee for sound recordings.

Committed to making a difference in the music community, I humbly believe that my ability to listen, coupled with my professional rigour and awareness of the realities of all musicians, will be considerable assets in the advancement the GMMQ's mission.

Submitting my candidacy to sit on the GMMQ Board of Directors as an Administrator is the best way for me to represent the interests of my peers with the utmost integrity.

Marie-Josée Simard

Dear members of the Guild of Musicians of Quebec (GMMQ).

I am Marie Josée Simard, solo percussionist. I would like to inform you that I am officially running for election to the GMMQ board of directors. I would like to tell you that my professional Canadian and international musical experiences have allowed me to learn to evolve within several organizations and musical ensembles with rigor and availability. I would be delighted to join the board of directors of the GMMQ de Montréal to represent you for a three-year term from 2024 to 2027.

Marie Josée



Daphnée Sincennes Richard

Dear members and colleagues,

I will be running for a seat on the GMMQ Board of Directors in the upcoming elections.

Trained as a classical violinist, I have been freelancing in orchestras for over fifteen years. My interest in different styles of music has led me over the years to explore other facets of our artistic world, collaborating with artists and ensembles in contemporary music, jazz, pop-rock, world music, dance and even video games!

With a doctorate in music and a certificate in law, I am currently pursuing a master's degree in arts management. I started this program aiming to become more involved in our cultural and musical milieu, a unique and wonderful world that needs to be heard from and appreciated more than ever. I therefore consider a seat on the GMMQ Board of Directors as a privileged platform for defending our interests and needs, and for bringing about lasting change. While there are many issues to tackle, including fair and equitable remuneration, I specifically want to work towards improving how you are represented within our GMMQ.

Thank you for your vote!

Directors Quebec 

Marie-France Mathieu

I am a dynamic conductor who conducts and collaborates with various orchestras and musical ensembles as a guest conductor. I am the founder and musical director of the Orchestre Philharmonique de la Relève du Québec dedicated to supporting emerging professional musicians. This position leads me into lobbyism action towards politicians. I am also an artist involved in the community, being a member of other board of directors of artistic organisations, just completing a 3-year term on the Conseil Québécois de la Musique and on its government affairs committee. With the GMMQ, I aim to continue to advance the issues that are close to my heart:

-working conditions and remuneration of musicians in the current economic context;

-increased government funding for the performing arts and better transparency on their traceability towards artists;

-the place and integration of emerging musicians in our community;

-the governance of the GMMQ by revising the by-Laws to reflect today’s GMMQ;

-questioning the perceptions and needs of members towards the GMMQ, to take actions contributing to unifying and mobilizing members;

-the impacts of AI.


Claude Soucy

En réfléchissant à la rédaction de ce communiqué, j’ai dû remonter le temps, et penser à ce qu’avait été ma vie de musicienne jusqu’à maintenant. Afin de me décrire, j’étais mal à l’aise de verser dans l’ostentation, car, nous le savons tous, nos conditions de travail ne sont pas toutes idylliques.

Aussi, permettez-moi un peu d’humour.

Pianiste, directrice musicale et vocale, interprète dans des dizaines de productions théâtrales, comédies musicales, au cinéma, à la télé, à la radio (variétés et classique), mais aussi, tenancière du bar dans ces mêmes théâtres.

Tournées prestigieuses dans de magnifiques salles, sur 4 continents, mais aussi, dans des sous-sols d’églises où il m’est arrivé de jouer Puccini sur un clavier dont il manquait 2 octaves.

J’ai travaillé pour des producteurs bienveillants mais aussi d’autres qui se sont volatilisés comme par magie, sans me payer.

Ma plus grande fierté est d’avoir formé des centaines d’étudiants au Cégep Ste-Foy; un pur bonheur de leur avoir transmis mon amour de la musique qu’ils perpétuent à leur tour.

Je connais très bien notre milieu de travail ; c’est pourquoi je sollicite un troisième mandat au sein du conseil d’administration de la Guilde.


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